Freedom Day?

Or Freedumb Day?

Today, January 31, is the last day by my reckoning of ten of the most puzzling days in American history. Tomorrow is, according to a Q post of precisely three years ago, Freedom Day, February 1.

People who even loosely keep up with the phenomenon known as Q know that something corresponding to “Ten days. Darkness.” (or Darnkess, as one unusual misspelling had it) should occur at some point in The Plan. Nobody has convincingly connected it with anything that has already happened, so it’s considered to be something of a prophecy, or maybe it’s more like forecasting. Promising? Teasing? I don’t know. Could be we’re a bunch of suckers.

The question for me today is: has it been ten days of darkness, as I have certainly experienced it? Or is it ten days, then darkness, as the Xiden administration fully lowers the hammer on us? Our enemies are rooting for a dark winter, and maybe that’s what that alludes to. But I still believe in the American military.

What the heck do you think was meant by this?


I’m still waiting to see a light start shining, and I’m being as patient as I can. I still believe the Q psyop was, or is, a purposeful revelation of the full depravity of our government, and I still believe there was, or is, a Plan. Like everybody else, I have no agency in what is happening at all, so waiting and watching and wondering is all I’m able to do.

Whatever happens, though, or doesn’t happen, I know this: I am free. I am a Christian, and I am an American. So if this fake president retains his fake office, and he actually has enough wicked people in place to enforce his fake law, then I will remain a Christian, and an American, and he will remain illegitimate. I will resist. No real opportunities to do so have arisen just yet, besides the occasional trip to a supermarket or church sans mask. Honestly, though, we’ve been officially subversive since the day we decided to homeschool our kids, among other highly Christian and American behaviors to which we adhere, so we’re not unfamiliar with the territory.

Some interesting things have happened to lead me to believe that we’re not finished. Primarily, I believe it because this guy said so.

Trump and his impeachment lawyers have parted ways. Perhaps Trump knows he won’t need them, or perhaps they’ve been frightened off.

Xiden’s panicked rush to put out such a ridiculous number of executive orders in his first week, plus the mainstream media’s obsessive focus on “Qanon” (which isn’t even right, it’s just Q) lead me to believe that they find the narrative as compelling as I have, and they’re terrified of it. They’re also trying to pin the Gamestop hedge fund fiasco on Q, which, for all I know is more accurate than not. This was orchestrated by somebody, and the somebodies who have been exposed and harmed are not friends of America.

So yeah, I’m feeling kinda chill. Here’s to tomorrow, Freedom Day, may it dawn bright and clear. 


Public Schools and Naive Kids

I’ve been fishing some of my better posts from GAH v1.0 out of storage for reposting. I’m not sure how relevant they are today, but they’re mine, and I like them. This one was written December 2, 2013. 

Public Schools and Naive Kids

One of the constantly recurring, and frankly silliest, objections to homeschooling is the embarrassing naiveté of homeschooled kids. The implication is that a child’s growth and maturity will somehow be stunted by not witnessing the full smorgasbord of sinful behaviors and moral pitfalls that popular culture has to offer. If he hasn’t had a joint offered to him in the school bathroom by the time he’s a senior, there is simply no hope that he’ll be able to say no to it when he’s twenty!

When I put it that way, of course, the hollowness of the whole objection becomes evident, even to those who will most likely still think it’s better for a child to be “educated” in the ways of the world by his peers and (God help us) D.A.R.E instructors.

Fine, you’re right: I fully intend to turn my kids out into the world with little more than a theoretical understanding of the kinds of criminality and perversion that will most likely be going on right under their noses any time they walk down a busy street. By the time they leave my nest, they’ll most likely be in the same social position I am right now; people who engage in those activities don’t even want to talk to me much, let alone invite me to their parties. So I’ve just raised my children to be the kind of bland, boring, morally upright people that the unwise, unstable, and criminal amongst us shun out of instinct.

Oh, how could I be so stupid?

Like I said before, there is no way that I can keep my kids from finding out about sin, being sinners as they are. I don’t expect to. But there’s a flip side to this whole naiveté thing, and that is the fact that, when I send my naïve children off to be educated by government-employed strangers, their naiveté is a serious weakness, making them prey to unscrupulous teachers, wayward peers, and even crooked police. If I keep them either at home with me or under the tutelage of Christian teachers I know to be working toward the same goals that I am, these little ones of mine will still be naïve children, absolutely! But what else do you want children to be? Jaded? Worldly? Street smart? I thought we wanted to keep them off the streets, not familiar with them.

Where does this perverse desire to destroy childish innocence come from? Certainly not from God, who says that we must become like little children, and not the other way around, if we wish to see the kingdom of Heaven.

Several years ago, I witnessed the whole adult congregation of a church gathering around a group of teens to pray for them because of the sexual pressures and violence that they were forced to deal with every day. Now, I’m all for prayer, and I’m glad they were at least doing that much for the poor kids. But what caught me was the pastor’s words before they prayed. He said “Our children have to deal with pressures every day that we as adults would never have to face. They need God’s hand of protection on their lives in a special way.”

So we’re sending kids into these spiritual and emotional pressure cookers, even though in the “real world,” for which we are supposed to be preparing them, this stuff (bullying, sexual pressure, drug use, etc.), doesn’t happen among decent people? In the real world where grown-ups live, if these things happen there are both practical and legal steps that a grownup can take to defend himself. He can simply choose not to go there; he can prosecute wrongdoing; he can find a new job; he can find new peers. But these kids, who don’t have the benefit of years of wisdom? Meh. Just cover them in prayer and send them to learn from these people how to walk in Truth.

This little episode at church was what did it for me. It was about 8 years ago, and it was what convinced me to homeschool.

He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.
–Proverbs 13:20

Not long ago, I witnessed a similar thing with a group of parents lamenting the sexual pressure that middle-school girls must face at such a young and inappropriate age. “Lord, help them!” they said. And they sent them back into the cesspool the very next day.

My dad is kind of a funny guy. When I was a teenager, he’d often see me doing some household task and ask “Do you need some help with that, honey?” I’d accept his offer, only to hear, “Help her, Lord!” as he chuckled at the nature of the “help” he’d offered.

The difference between my dad doing that and these parents doing this is that my dad knew he was joking, and would then get up and help me. The Bible says some things about praying and doing:

If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be you warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit? Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.
–James 2:15-16

Now, if we’re called not just to pray, but to do for the physical needs of our brothers and sisters, how much more does this apply to caring for the souls of our own children?

My children’s naiveté will vanish, despite the foolish concerns of naysayers, but it will recede through years of Bible training, not through the hardening effects of early exposure. My son will learn how to keep to the narrow path through the learning of Proverbs and being made aware of his own sin by God’s word, not through being slammed against locker doors because he’s the only kid that won’t get high with the rest of his social group between classes. My daughter will learn to honor her body by being around those who also honor her body, not from those who belittle and objectify her.

And he said to his disciples, “Temptations to sin are sure to come, but woe to the one through whom they come! It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin.
–Luke 17:1-2

I went to a public school, so I know how that naiveté we’re so scared to see in our children gets worn away, and it is not through the maturing of a child’s spirit, but through the breaking of it. No thank you. We don’t want any of that kind of jaded “maturity” in our family.


Is Carnivore an Extremely Restrictive Lifestyle?

Yes, I’d say it is. Look at all the things it has restricted from my life: 

In no particular order, here are the things that I don’t have going on at all anymore, as long as I stick to my current way of eating:

  • Hidradenitis suppurativa
  • Asthma
  • joint pain and swelling (never diagnosed, but probably arthritis)
  • brain fog
  • depression
  • trichotillomania (y’all, I have eyebrows.)
  • severe social anxiety
  • generalized anxiety
  • constipation
  • eczema
  • unexplained recurring skin lesions
  • compulsive cleaning (My house is less clean. This is a good thing. Trust me.)
  • mood swings
  • PMS (I do still suffer fools a little less gladly during that time.)
  • Heavy periods with several extra days of spotting afterwards
  • emotional eating/food cravings
  • overweight

A number of other things have greatly improved, and continue to:

  • Hashimodo’s thyroiditis (I’m currently experimenting with no thyroid medication, and it seems to be going well. I’m cautiously optimistic.)
  • bunions
  • ADHD (I have improved self-control in every aspect of my life, but let’s face it: I’m always going to be a little bit squirrely.)

And that’s just me. For privacy’s sake, I won’t be able tell you most of what has changed for my family as I’ve narrowed down their diets to what works for them, and should work for just about anybody. We’re still figuring some things out. I’ll just tell you that it is 100% true that everything, right down to those old-lady bunions you’re getting, is affected by the way you eat.

Why is restrictive bad? Fences are restrictive, but they keep the bull from goring every passerby, so I’m good with those restrictions. Marriage is restrictive. The yellow lines on the road are restrictive. Lots of things are.

But do you know what’s really restrictive, in a very negative way? Having to fill in your eyebrows with a pencil before you feel ok letting other people look at you. Being stuck at home because of social anxiety. Using inhalers. Paying expensive doctors to give you even more expensive medicines that don’t work. Getting hideous boils that restrict movement and make you just miserable. Being unable to exercise because your energy is non-existent. Being so OCD about the house-keeping that your children don’t get as much of you as they deserve.

Does any of that sound like healthy living to you? Because that’s what I get when I loosen up my way of eating.

My small children often ask me “Could you eat this, Mommy?” and the answer is “Of course! I can eat anything I want. But why would I want something that would make me feel bad?”

You can think of carnivore, or keto, or low-fat, or water fasting, or any other eating pattern as restrictive, but the question for me is, is your diet making you better or worse? Just that, and nothing more, is how you should judge your eating choices.

How restrictive do you need to be?

Very few people jump straight to a carnivore diet, because it seems too far out. For me, it has been a very quick path to health. What consequences you do feel comfortable with? Do you love your raw kale salad so much that you don’t mind suppressing your thyroid function? Is cheese so important to you that you don’t care that it gives you brain fog or constipation? That’s entirely up to you! Do you look at that healthy, tasty, whole grain bowl of oatmeal, and then your out-of-control blood sugars and say “Yeah, I think diabetes is a fair trade for this breakfast experience. Shoot me up with that insulin, doc!”? Fine. Up to you. You are the one that has to live with that choice.

I’m willing to deal with the slightly disturbed sleep I have after wine, so I drink a couple of glasses occasionally. For a while there, I felt comfortable enough with that last patch of eczema behind my left knee to go on feeding my coffee habit. That was worth it to me. But once I found out that coffee inhibits T4 production, I had no trouble letting go of that plant toxin. I’ve eased myself off of T4 medication over the last few months, so I need optimal functioning. I’m now coffee free, and eczema free. Hopefully, I’ll find that my thyroid labs look good, as well. Certainly I feel good–better than I did with the T4, surprisingly. I’ll let you know how this particular experiment turns out, either way.

I listed everything that the carnivore way of eating has taken out of my life, but it really should be stated more positively than that. I have better skin, better poop, no pain, a great mood, better relationships, clearer thinking, better productivity, more fun (FUN! I never had fun before!), fantastic body composition, more stamina, impressive strength for such a little gal, and the emotional freedom to explore the world God made for us.

How could anybody ever call that restrictive?

The Best is Yet to Come

The CIC told me so. 

I know y’all are dying to see how I’m processing the fact that the fake president was sworn in after I was fairly confident that something would prevent it. It is, after all, an outrageous affront to decency that a man like that, with a record like that, and a family like that, could be permitted to steal an entire nation and we’d all just sit by, helpless, as it happened. But here we are, right?


Pompeo’s tweet from January 20th could mean a couple of things. Either, as I sometimes do, he’s praying that little verse of acknowledgement of God’s sovereignty over all while some plan is being executed, or he is telling us that we had, past tense, our plans, but that God had different ideas. I do believe that there was a plan, and I also believe that it was a great one. Even the best plans can fail, and that is one deep swamp. And ultimately, God’s plan may have been a different one.  But I don’t know that yet. 

Yesterday, when I said for the umpteenth time that this really isn’t over yet, my long-suffering husband asked when I’m going to finally give up insisting that we still have a chance. Well, do you remember that Japanese guy who hid out in the jungle and refused to believe the war was over because his commander said to stay there until he came back for him?  It took 29 years, but his commander did come back.

Well, my name is Hiroo Onoda, and my commander told me that the best is yet to come.  He said “we’ll be back”, and so we will! He didn’t say how long, just “for a while”, so I’ll wait. And I’ll wait. And I’ll wait.

I’m not just holding on to vain hope because that is emotionally easier. I’ve always been stoic about facing hardship. Fear isn’t a motivator for me, and despair is a foreign concept. I have Jesus, after all. I hope I’m prepared to take whatever stand God has given me to take, should we truly be descending into the Orwellian hell these tyrants have promised us. I acknowledge the distinct possibility, and I’m as ready for it as I can be.

Before I start digging into my jungle lean-to for the longer fight that is looming up ahead of us, though, I’m giving myself nine more days for Storm-watching. I was promised a Storm, and I by-golly want to have my galoshes on so I can watch it comfortably if it happens. January 31st looks to me like the very last possible moment for anything further to develop along those lines. I do have reasons for believing a surprise save is possible beyond just wanting it to be true.

There truly is–or was–a plan.

I still cannot, being a person of good conscience myself, conceive that a senile puppet who is provably controlled by China through his money-laundering family is actually going to be running this place for the next four years, along with a psychopathic VP, and a congress that is almost wholly owned by foreign nations. I don’t know if anything is still going on behind the scenes, but I have some small hope that even–or especially–with Trump fully out of office, something still could surprise all of us.

As of last night, when I looked, the troops were still in D.C.. They will start going home today, presumably, but 7,000 of them will be staying for a while. Scratch that, the request is now to keep some number of National Guard on a volunteer basis until mid-March. I’ve even heard they might stay into September, though I can’t remember where I got that. I wonder how this stuff even works. NG answers to the governors of their own states, but who is doing the asking? Why would they even do that? To protect whom, and from what? One of the feats Trump pulled off with his January 6th rally was getting everybody to burn out their enthusiasm–and more importantly their scant funds–all at once so that they couldn’t be in D.C. for any further trouble.

Whether he did that on purpose or not is anybody’s guess, but the fact is that those of us who supported him are largely the lower and middle classes. We have jobs, if we’re among the lucky. We have kids and grandkids. We have one or two weeks of vacation time per year. We have very little in savings. We’re taxed to death. We don’t have a Soros to send us here and there to destroy whatever needs destroying today. So there is clearly no immediate threat from any MAGA supporter anywhere, and everybody knows it.

But the guilty do flee where none pursue, so perhaps those troops really are there solely to protect our new overlords from the justice that they know they so richly deserve.

One thing I know is that, if that boot really is coming down on us, blogging about it is dangerous business. I’m not going to cower in fear, though, and I hope no one else will, either. Keep saying the truth. Keep believing the truth, because Truth wins. Lies will always self-destruct. It would be so easy for many (I’m talking to you, Fox News viewers) to go back to sleep and accept the fake news narrative that Joe Biden won, fair and square. That all of the claims of fraud were debunked. That our new “president” never profited from selling us to the highest foreign bidder. That Hunter Biden’s laptop meant nothing to our national security, and that he’s a great artist now, and a recovered addict–nay, a hero!–who needs our support. (Has that narrative caught on yet? It’s coming, I promise.) What an inspiration he’s going to be for the next four years!

You know what is true. I know what is true. This country does not belong to the people who currently think they’re leading it. Let’s do everything we can to get our country back into the hands of its own people. I’ll start with prayerful watching, and wait patiently for my commander to come back and get me.

He said he’d be back.  


How’s Your Poop?

And other totally appropriate questions. 

I have a minute while my carnivore meatloaf (for which an very easy recipe should appear shortly) is in the oven to discuss a few diet-related things.

When I first switched to an all-meat diet, I would explain that I only eat meat, but I’ve had to change my approach a little bit. Now I tell people that I don’t eat plants. For some reason, the former way doesn’t quite sink in, and nobody fully realizes what I’m saying. It’s like saying the earth is flat. Nobody quite believes you really mean it. The latter way, they seem to understand more quickly. And the comments I get have become every bit as predictable as the many reactions I’ve gotten to having a large number of children. People just can’t help themselves. This sounds insane!

Besides My word, why would you do that?, the most frequent question I get from everybody–whether I’m talking to my best friend or the mailman–is the poop question. As a mother of eight, a dog-mommy, and a chicken rancher, poop has been a going concern in my life for well nigh 17 years now, so I don’t mind talking about it at all. It’s a good thing I don’t mind, because everybody else wants to talk about it. If you don’t, though, close this tab and I promise I’ll try to be more tasteful with my next post. Clearly everybody else finds this to be a steaming hot (sorry) topic, so why shouldn’t I?

Before I talk about poop, though, I want to say this: it is astonishing how personal people are willing to get when they find out you only eat meat. I tell people I’m a Christian, they change the subject. A Trump supporter, either a high-five or a cold shoulder. A homeschooler? Meh. Everybody’s a homeschooler these days. But tell people you only eat meat, and whew, suddenly everybody is your doctor, your psychotherapist, and your mother, all in one convenient package. It’s not worse than the golly-that’s-a-lot-of-kids conversation, but it’s close.

So, poop! Do I? Yes, once a day and quite comfortably, and thank you for asking. Seriously, love the question, stranger.

Carnivores do poop. Typically, they poop just fine. The result is quite diminutive compared to that of plant-eaters because the intestine is able to absorb a far higher percentage of meat foods than plant foods. So much of the meat is absorbed that I’d bet more than half of what comes out is cell turn-over from the GI tract, rather than waste product. (And isn’t waste product an oxymoron?)

The expectation that the current upside-down nutrition advice has set is that you need fiber–indigestible, bulk-building fiber–to be able to go comfortably. Constipated people are always told to put more bulk in their diet. I ask you though, how do you think putting more useless bulk through an already struggling system helps anything? Constipation isn’t, as it turns out, a result of not having enough waste to pass, but of the gut being unable to either process or move whatever is already in there. You should be more selective about what you put in your body, absolutely. Nutritionists have that correct. Don’t select for bulk, though. Select for digestibility.

Digestibility is where meat beats every other food.

I was introduced, to my horror, to something called a “poop knife” yesterday in a carnivore group on MeWe. We had a pretty good laugh, but goodness. Imagine needing to keep a knife in the bathroom so your ridiculous amount of waste can be flushed safely. Guys, if you’re wasting that much, you’re probably not absorbing as many nutrients from all your “superfoods” as you think you are. You’re probably very sick, actually, even if you don’t know it yet.

Poop Knife

Don’t spend time playing in the toilet (something I teach my children not to do), hacking your poop into smaller chunks. Back off on the fiber. Eat whole, unprocessed foods, mainly meat.

Now, the poop question isn’t all roses and sunshine. Some people do experience diarrhea in the transition to carnivore. Some people aren’t very happy with their poop for several months, in fact. I have a few thoughts on why that might be for any given person, and how to avoid it, but since we’re all individuals with different needs, I’m not going to bore you with all that. If you try a carnivore way of eating, and you have problems, I think I can help you troubleshoot. (Gosh, the puns nearly write themselves, don’t they?)

All I can say is that, for me, and for at least thousands of other meat-only eaters that I’ve interacted with in one way or another, the poop is fine, and we never have to touch it.

So, how’s your poop? Just kidding. You don’t have to talk about that if you don’t want to.

But do ask me anything you like, or give me your very strong opinions about my carnivore/zero-carb way of eating in the comments, and I’ll store up your questions for further blog posts.


The Jealous Mom

Jealousy seems like such an ugly word, doesn’t it?In these undiscerning times, we’ve learned to equate jealousy to its illegitimate half-brother, covetousness. Many times when you see a person accused of jealousy, that person is being defrauded of his rights, often brazenly to his face. As an example, a young man who is engaged to one girl might accuse her of jealousy when she becomes irritated at his attentions to another. By accusing her in that way, he deflects attention from his unfaithfulness by making her feel ashamed for caring that he is unfaithful.


She: Why are you talking so sweetly to my adversary while she twirls her hair in such a fetching manner?
He: What are you, jealous? If there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s a jealous woman!

Likewise, our God is a jealous God. Much atheist ink has been spilled over the spurious objection that jealousy is a petty and ugly thing that would be beneath the hypothetical God who, since He doesn’t exist, must take on whatever characteristics the atheist assumes would be most fitting for an Almighty God. Conveniently, he can then argue with this Being from his imagination instead of facing the real Almighty. But atheists don’t get to define God. He is Self-defining, and if He says He is jealous, then we’d better pay attention to what He means by that.

Jealousy is not a petty emotion, but a protective and loving one. There is a distinction between jealousy and covetousness: Jealousy has a right. Covetousness has none.

So, what does this have to do with mothering, you ask? Well, lots, actually. One of the most effective tools that Satan has used in our parents’ generation and ours to separate children from the influence of parents is the accusation of jealousy.

You think that a mommy’s kiss on an injured knee would be more fitting than a teacher putting a sterile band-aid on it? Why would you be so controlling? So involved? So jealous?

You don’t want other women raising your children? Tsk-tsk.

You don’t think Sunday School teachers can catechize your children better than you can? What do you think you are, some kind of theologian?

You won’t allow your kids to watch certain “kids’” programming because it blatantly indoctrinates children to believe that parents are at best cluelessly irrelevant, and at worst sinister killjoys?

You think that the public school version of sex education, history, and literature will corrupt your children’s morals, misinform their choices, and ruin their lives? That they would be better off learning about, oh, everything really, in the context of a loving home?JEALOUS! You are jealous, like that mean old God of yours!

Moms, don’t fall for this!

The World will try to convince you that you are a petty, small, and controlling person, if you think that you are the person to whom your children should turn for their emotional, intellectual, and spiritual needs. We’ve been made to feel ashamed of our God-given, natural longing to be our babies’ first and best companions and friends.

Why is that? Are we not the possessors of the right and duty to nurture and guide our young? Are we not the ones who know both first and best what our children need? Of course we are!

But Satan is as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. And do you know what prey is the easiest to devour? Unprotected young. They are weak and inexperienced, delicious and tender morsels for a hungry but cowardly enemy.  All intentional, thoughtful Christian moms are belittled by the world as “helicopter parents” for the high crime of demanding to know what their children are being taught, wishing to teach them their own faith, and wanting to control the influences that are brought to bear on those young lives.

This belittling is done for the same reasons, and in the same ways, as the cheating husband. The calumny is meant to shame us into surrendering our rights and privileges as the rightful participants in that intimate relationship. They intend to usurp our thrones as beloved Guides in our childrens’ lives. While allegations of jealousy are hurled at our heads, accusing us of “controlling” our children, the truth is that for a parent to willingly give up control of a child’s upbringing to a stranger employed by a godless State is the true dereliction of duty.

A woman who allows her husband to flirt with other women without rebuke is not an open-minded and loving girl, but a dupe and an abused woman. Not only that, but she encourages his sin by winking at it.

A God who doesn’t mind if you worship other gods is a cuckold, not a Being with the inherent dignity of Yahweh.

So what is a mother who allows the State and its propagandists to make her feel that her interest in her own children’s well-being is somehow dirty, abusive, or petty? They are the abusers. She is being defrauded of her family by a covetous and thieving “society”, and made to feel that she is wrong for objecting.

So, moms (and dads, but I speak to moms), know this: It is not only OK to be a jealous mom, it is a holy calling. Guard your children’s hearts. Guard their minds. Guide their choices. It is a father and mother’s duty, not the state’s, to ensure an education in righteousness. Don’t let the accusation of jealousy put you on the defensive. Do what God has given you to do.

(Note: This is a repost from December 1, 2014.)

Just Mommy

This is a repost from June 3, 2010. I can’t believe it has been eleven years since I wrote this! I’d write some things differently, and far more strongly now.

Just Mommy

I loved my second grade teacher. She had long, (bottle) blonde hair, and a sweet smile. Not only was she beautiful to me, but she had a clothesline strung across the classroom with stuffed animals and Hot Wheels clipped to it for bribing her students to work. A certain number of books read equaled a beautiful stuffed animal or doll in my pudgy little hands. Come to think of it, I loved my 5th grade teacher from the bottom of my heart, too, and she was also pretty handy with the prizes. We may be onto something here..

Anyway, I digress. Where were we? Oh, yeah. My teacher broke my heart.
She didn’t do anything mean, really. She just asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. She had us write about it, actually. My paper went something like this:

When I grow up, I want to be a mommy. I think I’d be good at it. I’d like lots of children.

Maybe there was more to it than that. I don’t remember. I turned in my paper, with the requisite poorly-drawn picture to illustrate. Instead of marking it with the usual red check-mark and smiley face, Miss Dixon called me to her desk.

“What else?”

I didn’t know what she meant, so I just looked at her with that slack-jawed, confused look that I still get when I’m dumbfounded. (That’s about twice a day, if you wondered.) She tried again. “What else do you want to be when you grow up? Mommy isn’t enough.”

I took my paper back to my seat and pondered for a moment. I was a sensitive child, and my feelings were more than a little hurt. What did she mean, what else? Mommy is BIG. Mommy is the whole world! It really was all I cared to be.

Being a second-grader, and not at all indoctrinated in philosophies of homemaking and childrearing, I didn’t argue. I struggled to come up with something else to write. Tears in my eyes (yeah, I was a wuss), I finally settled on saying I’d like to become a nurse.

Nurses are like mommies, but with thermometers, right?

I never really wanted to be a nurse, of course, but it was the answer I gave when asked this all-important question for the rest of my school years. Sometimes, just to shake things up, I said I’d like to be a doctor. I really did have an interest in medicine, and a good head for science, so it could have happened if I’d had any encouragement at all. I used to be a little bit bitter about the fact that no one cared what I “did with my life” or tried to encourage me in my studies. Now I wonder if God didn’t put blinders on the people around me to keep them from seeing my potential to do “more”.

My teacher thought she was doing the right thing in encouraging me to think outside the stuffy old traditional box, I’m sure. For all I know, she may have thought I needed her to help me shake off the tyranny of the patriarchy. But I didn’t appreciate being told I should do more than be wife and mother. What I felt, in that wordless way kids have of understanding things, was that there was something unjust about a world that didn’t think “mommy” was enough.

I grew, but that ambition my teacher was trying to instill in me didn’t. Thanks to her “guidance”, I grew up knowing I had to do something else with my life. Like everyone else, I learned to think of “mother” as something you become after you’ve proven that you can do grown-up stuff.

After high school I got a job. Then another. Then another. All my jobs involved changing adult diapers and administering meds in rest homes and group homes. I even started nursing school, but quit in despair. I hated it. Nursing is a calling, and I was decidedly not called. The book-work was easy enough, but the job itself made me want to scream. The one thing I knew for certain was that you should never, ever scream at sick people, so I packed it up and went home.

They say God draws straight with crooked lines. Through a series of bad choices I ended up jobless and without any desire to find a new job, or even to live at all. If it hadn’t been for all the dumb mistakes I made in high school and beyond, I’d probably have a “fulfilling” career by now. Instead, thanks to His mercy, I’m rejoicing in my growing family, filling the role of help-meet to a faithful and hard-working man, and looking forward to a life of (cover your eyes, feminists) submission to God’s will–and my husband’s.

The only problem is, I wasn’t trained to this! I had no idea what I was getting into when I decided to roll up my sleeves and get down to the business of homemaking. No one told me there was this much work to do, or how many different plates I was going to have to spin at one time. There wasn’t anyone to tell me all this, because I didn’t actually know any homemakers. This is the job that I was told wasn’t enough to keep a woman’s mind active and her spirit content?


I’ve learned the hard way how to run my household and raise my children, and I’m going to pass along to my own daughter what I’ve learned. When some young man comes along to take her away from me, I’m going to make sure she doesn’t spend the first years of marriage twiddling her thumbs and wondering exactly what she’s supposed to be doing with all this “free” time–or worse, ignoring the most beautiful vocation on Earth because someone once told her “Mommy’s not enough.”

Friday Link-About

Happy Friday! Here are few links of interest for the week:

I’m on Gab now. Follow me @getalonghome, if you can get the page to load. I’m sure they’ll have everything running smoothly soon. Still on MeWe, too, and picking up speed there. I do kinda like it.

Researchers identify a new personality construct that describes the tendency to see oneself as a victim. 

An initial three studies established the TIV as a consistent and stable trait that involves four dimensions: moral elitism, a lack of empathy, the need for recognition, and rumination. A follow-up study further found that this tendency for victimhood is linked to anxious attachment  — an attachment style characterized by feeling insecure in one’s relationships — suggesting that the personality trait may be rooted in early relationships with caregivers.


Hmmm. Maybe “just mommies” are worth a little something to society after all.

Watch a skilled prosecutor lay out a convincing case. It wasn’t patriots making all the trouble on January 6th. But you knew that.

They’ve got John Sullivan, the Antifa who had a leading role in the storming of the Capitol Building. Also, a couple of Democrats who clearly are not MAGA. Makes me think we could start to see some justice done in this country soon.

I’m using this shiny new app, Foxhole, to watch and listen to a lot of my favorite news-and-views-type people.  I recommend listening to RedPill78, M3thods, and SomeBitchIKnow every chance you get.

A reminder to all who despair: This man is still our President, duly elected, impeached twice, defeated never.

And this man will never be that, no matter what happens next:

Not even a photoshop. Actual deranged face with matching soul.


Trump is set to declassify everything Obamagate. If you think he was holding off until now out of stupidity, or carelessness, you haven’t gotten to know this man at all. He was holding off because now is the right time to do it. There will be more booms to follow.  Just as the prophets foretold, it will be biblical.

Strange things are happening in D.C. No inauguration rehearsal. Razortape wire going up on fences around the Capitol, nobody is allowed on the National Mall at all? Interesting, no? I got all those factoids from Anonymous Conservative, who you could follow, and then I could blog about Mom stuff like I’m supposed to. It’s not like I know anything. Just passing it all along.

I’m riding this coaster all the way to the end. Meme shamelessly stolen from


I Feel Fine

Don’t you?

I’m hearing through my very limited social media contacts that a lot of people are extremely nervous. It’s too quiet. We’re not hearing much–really nothing–from the man who is still our President. We’re getting erased from the internet and there is literally nobody in government or the courts who will do anything about it.

The boot’s coming down! The boot’s coming down!

But I still don’t think so. Stop and think for a minute. Do you think the hardest-working president we’ve ever had is doing nothing, just because he isn’t broadcasting it on Twitter?

I feel encouraged by all the quiet, honestly. I reckoned in my last post that we’d hear nothing from Trump for a while, and that the media was going to go into a propaganda frenzy like nothing we’ve ever seen before. Was that wrong? No. It’s all lies, from sea to shining sea. And so there’s a fair chance that the rest of it is correct, as well.

If I had been wrong in thinking that this isn’t over, and that Donald Trump, with the help of a great many American patriots, still has an ace up his sleeve, he’d probably be on Gab or Parler, chatting up a storm and sounding completely impotent. He’d be on the news talking about how awful the injustice is. He’d be telling us how to prepare for his next campaign in ’24, or the new political party he’s forming. He’d be talking, because talking would be all that was left.

He’s not talking, I think, because he already has all the support he needs, and he’s working.  There are some mighty interesting things going on. Blackouts in key locations, executive orders hinting at actions already taken, resources being lined up, a state of emergency declared in D.C., DHS getting personnel shake-ups just as the state of emergency is declared, and the list goes on and on.

Am I just smoking hopium? I freely admit that there’s a pro-doom spin to be put on everything we can see happening. Are all those troops in D.C. really there to protect Biden’s tiny inauguration? Could be. Did Trump and Pence meet yesterday at the White House and walk out friends? If so, either Pence is no traitor and did exactly what Trump wanted him to, or Trump has accepted his defeat. Or there was really no meeting between the two. Which seems most likely to you? I honestly still don’t believe Trump is at the White House, though we’re repeatedly told that he is. Or, rather, I disbelieve it because we are repeatedly told that he is. (OK, I’m convinced now that he was at the White House. Deduct one point from my score. )

Did Trump really say that he “regrets” “conceding”? As far as I can tell, he never even conceded. Watch his speech more carefully and note that he never said Biden’s name, nor did he ever say he was giving up. And, strangely, his hair looked more grey when we saw him live on the 6th, when he said the words “We will never concede” than it did in the “go home” video and the “concession” video that were supposedly taken afterwards. It’s likely that neither of those videos was even made the day they were shown.

And when did you ever hear Donald Trump say he regrets anything? The word isn’t even in his vocabulary.

All this, and many other things add up, for me, to reinforcing my belief that we are in a time of blind waiting, but some are very active on our behalf. Believe nothing you see or hear, because there is so much going on that can’t be discussed. Nobody is revealing the truth in any way, and especially not the media.

I’m still on the fence as to whether Pence is a traitor, or a patriot allowing himself to look like one in order to set up a sting. Was his the part of Judas, or trap-setter?

Trump is supposed to be speaking at the Alamo today, presumably about that big, beautiful wall he’s been building. Some words I don’t expect to hear from him are “Biden administration” or “election”(Minus 2 more points, he did mention them). I wonder if he’ll say anything relevant at all, but I’ll be watching all the same, just in case.

How ya feeling, friends? Nervous? Hopeful? Confused? 

Update: Just saw this video from Monkey Werx and thought it was a nice reinforcement. Nothing. Is. Real. Until it is…you know.


Friday Link-About

I’ve started a group on MeWe, which is a privacy-oriented social media site similar to Facebook in its layout. There’s a free version, and a paid one. I’m still doing free for now. Join the blog group there, if you like.  I’d love to see you there!

Did you know that getting a flu shot, any flu shot, can make you more susceptible to other strains in the future? It’s one of the many reasons I refuse flu shots. Turns out the Cough vaccine could be the same way. Since it’s not even a proper vaccine, it can’t possibly be for the same reasons that happens with the flu shot, though.

I’ve already linked to this, but I don’t want you to miss it. Enemy plants try to break into the Capitol building, Trump supporters try to stop them. Because we have good people, almost every one of us. Our people didn’t even break past the barricades. Trump told them to peacefully protest, and peaceful they were. The police had to remove the barricades and urge them to the building! Now, why do you think they would do that?

I agree with Vox here. Something is not right with the video from last night. He has further input from someone who claims to be a professional cinematographer.

The Babylon Bee gets eerily close to what some of us are actually expecting. Trump Circumvents Twitter Ban with Emergency Alert System. 

I’m currently reading Sacred Cow: The Case for Better Meat, by Robb Wolf and Diana Rodgers. I haven’t watched the film yet, but I’m very firmly in their camp. Meat is what humans should eat. Our world is built to support grazing animals, and can’t survive without them. We do need to be smarter about how we graze them. It is row crops and fertilizers that are really wreaking havoc on our land, not cows.

Drop any links you’re interested in sharing (and please don’t think you have to stick to politics or any of my other interests. What interests you?) in the comments.