Friday Links

Gosh, I guess I forgot to do this for a couple of weeks. We’ve been doing the first-of-the-year homeschool grind. It’s tough to get my nose off the grindstone to mind my other businesses. The house, also, is a mess.

Some of the links will be a little bit older, but there will be plenty of them!

I hope I get a front-row seat to whatever God is about to do to the House of Representatives:

I always wanted to think Bill Barr was a white hat. I knew he didn’t act like one most of the time, but you just want a guy who plays the bagpipes to be a good guy. Well, he ain’t. He doesn’t play them very well, anyway.

I haven’t used it a whole lot yet, but this new search engine, Presearch, looks promising.

Local officials really ought to be doing things like this more often:
Newton County Will Arrest “Feds” That Violate 2nd Amendment

Texas official issues ‘peace’ warrants for Biden, Fauci ahead of president’s trip

The best thing you can do, short of running for office yourself (which is a good idea if you have even a tiny bit of that kind of courage), is contact your sheriff and ask him if he is a Constitutional Sheriff. Make sure you get that link to him. Print off the pages and tape them to his forehead. Send it as a singing telegram. Do whatever you have to do. This is a great movement. Climb aboard and save your county.

I’m not a “highly trained athlete”, merely a home-training and pretty fit woman, but this paper does explain why I’m not remotely worried about my “high” cholesterol. Naturally, I hang my hat on more than one study. That’s just the latest I’ve seen.

Doesn’t it just chafe your bottom that Trump never got his simple, back-of-a-postcard tax system? Because he should have, and here’s why he didn’t. Well, that, and government really enjoys stomping on us whatever ways they can.

Read this and share this with your teens, if you allow them to have any social interaction online at all. How Good Catholic Teens are Getting Groomed by Online Predators (Prods, too.)

Ten Fake News Tactics you need to be aware of. I’ve heard of Corey’s Digs on other people’s channels, but only recently really started following her. It was mistake not looking into her earlier. The gal is a gold-miner. You should check her out, both on her website, and on YouTube.

MA Climate Czar Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: We Must “Break Your Will” 

I’ve been preaching the ills of seed oils for a while. Here’s yet another horrifying effect they have in the body. Get the seed oils out of your life. Here’s a mayonnaise recipe to help with that. Look at that beautiful, thick white-people food:

clean mayoAs I heard someone else say the other day, I am a white-enthusiast. That is love for my own people (who are a subset of “white”, anyway), and a perfectly normal human instinct. We should all love our own people, starting with our families.

This is hate:


If you’re on board with the idea of eliminating sex trafficking (and who ain’t?), here’s a website that can train you to recognize the signs of what is probably going on around you all the time, but which you haven’t discerned. Be on watch.

And finally, I’d love it if you’d join me on MeWe for my blog group, or for my UNbroken health-focused group. I’m not sure the platform will remain unconverged, but for now, it’s a pretty good place for a group to chat, if we can only get more people there.

Happy Friday, everybody! Blogging may be light for a while. I have company coming, and homesteading to play at.

Drop any links you’d like to share in the comments.