How in the midst of an energy crisis, “scientists” can still find enough energy to crank up their hadron collider/demon-summoner?
They can afford nice idols, too:
And while you’re paying $5 at the pump and 1/3 more for every item at the grocery store, they’re sending YOUR oil reserves overseas?
And the people telling you to get ready to enjoy insects as the protein percentage of your kibble are eating an awful lot of meat?
You’ll never get a headline on this, but the people who want you to get your booster every 9 months didn’t even get their first shot.
Funny, all that, ain’t it?
Update: Somebody pointed this out on SG. Whether the author meant to induce some sense of guilt or absurdity in his globalist audience, or whether he was unironically stating facts as he sees them is beyond me. It’s really on the UN website. The Babylon Bee couldn’t have done any better. Update: It really was on the UN website. I’ll take the fact that they’ve yanked it down to mean that they finally understood that the linked article went too far in showing what they really think of the cattle…er…people of the world. These people have zero self-awareness.