What I Eat in a Day

Some of my recent carnivore meals

“Just eat meat” sounds like such a simple concept, but people often ask what I eat in a day. Here are a few of my recent meals. Most days, I have two or three meals. Some days, just one big one. Meat Lifeā„¢ is satisfying!

First, the simplest stuff. Ground beef, cold butter cubes, and cold beef tongue:

I usually have a can of cod liver and a can of sardines for my 4:00 p.m. meal, if I’m eating more than one meal that day. My eating window closes around 4 p.m. on those days. Me 7 years ago would have gagged at the thought, but it’s a very satisfying way to end the day:

A gigantic ribeye with some butter my youngest son shook up for me from cream:

These bigger meals are almost always OMADs (one meal a day). Burgers, fried eggs, and a LOT of bacon:

My birthday meal this year, filet mignon with bacon.

This next was a fun one. Leftover carnivore waffles as bread for a ham sandwich. Mustard, homemade avocado oil mayo, and pickles made this a little fancy for me. On a normal day, it would have just been waffles, butter, and meat, which makes a fine sandwich:

Chicken nuggets, make with pork rind panko, shrimp, and melted butter for a light lunch:

An all meat diet sounds a little draggy, but I assure you, there are ways to fun it up and still stay within the parameters of what works for you! What works for me won’t always work for others, and many may need to be less or (rarely) more strict than I am. Shoot me an email (cindy at getalonghome dot com) if you’re interested in finding a way to make keto or carnivore fit into your lifestyle and serve your unique needs!

A great, BIG thank you: My next run is now fully funded! I’m super excited to be training for the Black Bear Half Marathon! If you feel sad because you didn’t get a chance to contribute, there’s still time to do that! Just click the big yellow ‘donate’ button below. I can always use more funds for more training, gas, or food! And taxes, of course. You know they’re going to tax me on this.

Thank you so, so much, my friends!


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