In Which I Rebuke Myself

A little.

I was reading and explaining the parable of the early and late workers from Matthew 20 to my children the other day.

“For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard.Now when he had agreed with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard.And he went out about the third hour and saw others standing idle in the marketplace,and said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right I will give you.’ So they went.Again he went out about the sixth and the ninth hour, and did likewise.And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing[a]idle, and said to them, ‘Why have you been standing here idle all day?’They said to him, ‘Because no one hired us.’ He said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard,[b]and whatever is right you will receive.’

“So when evening had come, the owner of the vineyard said to his steward, ‘Call the laborers and give them their wages, beginning with the last to the first.’And when those came who were hired about the eleventh hour, they each received a denarius.10 But when the first came, they supposed that they would receive more; and they likewise received each a denarius.11 And when they had received it, they[c]complained against the landowner,12 saying, ‘These last men have worked only one hour, and you made them equal to us who have borne the burden and the heat of the day.’13 But he answered one of them and said, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius?14 Take what is yours and go your way. I wish to give to this last man the same as to you.15 Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things? Or is your eye evil because I am good?’16 So the last will be first, and the first last. For[d]many are called, but few chosen.”

At the time, I didn’t really make any application to my own thoughts of late, but I felt a little niggling something in my chest, like something…something…oh, well, I’m in a hurry. Let’s move on to math.

So then this morning I was doing what all red-blooded Americans and Canadians are doing right now, whispering my prayers for some peaceful protestors, and cheering for some people standing up to tyranny. I’ve also put my money where my mouth is in supporting Pastor Artur Pawlowski<<<–CLICK THAT LINK and I hope you will, also.

Sweet, ain’t it?

Now, I’ve always had an annoying tendency to see things on multiple levels, and sometimes those levels would seem to contradict each other. Sometimes I lose sleep trying to reconcile my different impressions with each other. They rarely truly contradict, but the more compelling thoughts can pull me too far in one direction or the other at times. On one level, I’ve already said exactly what I think of the Truckers and their protest. It is both marvelous to behold, and yet a sign of inadequate understanding.

But it looks to me like it is becoming more adequate all the time.  

Where I first only saw some people getting mad because they were finally about to be out of a job, unlike that other poor schmuck who has been out of a job for a year now, I’m now perceiving people who are actually sorry they didn’t stand up earlier. People who took an ill-advised vaccine out of naïve obedience to illegitimate demands by “authority” are now unwilling to force others to violate their bodies in the same way. That speaks of repentance, whether they know how to use the word yet or not.

I’m loving the patriotism, and the peacefulness, and the truly Christlike resistance that they are offering. God bless Canada!

So where do I need to rebuke myself? There’s not much wrong with what I said before, right?

No, not really. But that niggling something I felt when I was explaining the parable to my children was the Holy Spirit reminding me that there’s a wrong way to be right.

That’s what happens when you let your precious Self start to take credit for simply showing up a few hours earlier than the next guy down the hiring-line. It’s good that I showed up for work in the morning, refusing early on to mask or to bow to the power that sought to enslave not just me, but my neighbor, whom I actively loved by standing up for his rights, even when he was too scared to do so for himself. It’s good, but it’s not my good. It is Christ’s. Always.

I said before:

There are families who have had to find alternative ways to feed their children after grocery stores wouldn’t let them in. People have lost their jobs. Doctors, pharmacists, and nurses have been silenced for having a different opinion than the approved one. Many have been threatened and intimidated for refusing to back down. Some of the most compelling voices have likely been assassinated, given the mysterious circumstances under which they’ve died. While it is much worse in Canada, we have plenty of stories in the US, too.


Pardon me if I’m not terribly impressed that the mob has finally gotten mad, now that enough lives are affected.


I only got hired this morning, myself.

Being a natural introvert and observer, it is true that I have sussed things out a little earlier than most. But the Spirit graciously humbled me through the words of Our Lord. “What is it to you if I grant repentance to them today, rather than yesterday? What is an hour or day to the Eternal, anyway? Didn’t you already receive what I promised you?”

We’re all at a different place in our understanding and experience. So the trouble, as usual, isn’t with my discernment, but with my heart, my pride. As if every gift I have weren’t from God, and not of myself, lest I should boast? So, while I retract nothing of the realities of what I said, I repent of my skepticism that God has brought in His perfect time any individual or nation to repentance. Repentance is increasingly what this convoy looks like to me: a great national–no, international–repentance, after realizing we’ve allowed mere Power to subvert righteous Authority.

So, allow me to say publicly what my pride would prefer I admit only privately. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. I was right, the wrong way, which is no better than being completely wrong. 

Want to discuss my blunder? I’m always checking in on Gab, MeWe, and SG. In fact, I’m dying for some company on some of these platforms. Hit me up, please!

One Simple Trick to Reclaim Your Freedom

All anybody ever had to do was this.

How about them truckers, eh? On the one hand, I am quite enjoying all the honking and triggering and milquetoast patriotism.

It’s a pleasure to see people finally getting good and mad after allowing the mistreatment of their entire population by self-appointed “authorities” for the last two years. I’m heart-glad to see that they’re not yet fully dead inside, even after all the soul-destroying groveling they’ve proven willing to do for the legal-medical tyrants during the Coronation. It gives me a small amount of hope that there is yet a way out of this. Besides, it’s just plain old fun, sometimes.

My enjoyment of the spectacle is genuine, but my moral sense recoils. What is really going on here?

It was “time” two years ago. Better late than never?


Do you recall this viral video from April, 2021?

Pastor Pawlowski has been arrested multiple times since then, barred from entry to necessary buildings, and yet again has been arrested for simply using his God-given rights. He didn’t ask the government’s permission to feed the poor, or to preach, or to gather with like-minded individuals. He just did it. And he is being made to pay for it.

He’s not alone. There are families who have had to find alternative ways to feed their children after grocery stores wouldn’t let them in. People have lost their jobs. Doctors, pharmacists, and nurses have been silenced for having a different opinion than the approved one. Many have been threatened and intimidated for refusing to back down. Some of the most compelling voices have likely been assassinated, given the mysterious circumstances under which they’ve died. While it is much worse in Canada, we have plenty of stories in the US, too.

Pardon me if I’m not terribly impressed that the mob has finally gotten mad, now that enough lives are affected.

People who have been robbed of their rights, ridiculed, fired, harassed, and arrested because they decided from the very beginning, on an individual level, that they would not submit to tyranny are the real heroes. If they gain relief through this action, then that is only right, and I’ll be very glad to see it. But I will know that any freedom returned by means of outraged protest is only a reprieve from some of the strictures that have been placed upon us, not a true return of freedom.

This is what’s really making people mad. They couldn’t care less about freedom.

As long as enough people were still confident that they would be able to eat and obtain the necessities of life, they didn’t have the first thought of rising up to protect just one. One pastor, one family, one fired employee: none of these infringements were a big enough deal to stir up the mob. Everybody cowered in fear, not of a virus, but of losing their meal ticket, while the few who dared to question the narrative were repeatedly denied their rights. Nobody cared while they were still themselves fed and housed.

Once enough of them realized that their comfortable lives were under threat, they finally woke up and started to do something about it. This is not the behavior of free people concerned with rights, but of prisoners engaging in a riot because the cafeteria is serving a less tasty pizza option since the budget cuts.

They’re rioting, and it’s a great show, but they’re still in prison.

These truckers and their supporters (of whom I am one, provided they figure out the “trick” I’m about to tell you) are thankfully throwing a fit on the powers that be, but they still only partially understand what they’re up against. They’re not yet outside the prison walls. They’re just making a mess at this point. A glorious mess, but one that can be cleaned up after they’re quelled by temporary concessions.

So, what’s the trick to regaining your freedom? It is simply this:

Go about your business normally, without asking for permission.

If someone–whether someone in authority or not–tries to stop you, keep going. Keep driving. Keep delivering your goods. Keep shopping. Keep preaching and singing and praying. Keep smiling with your face uncovered. Many of us have been doing this all along. It has cost us. At this point, it has cost me so much faith in my fellow man that I have a hard time relating to him anymore. I don’t currently even have a church where I trust the leadership to discern the signs of the times.

But there is a path to freedom. We can get out of this. I am hopeful that I can even get some of my faith in humanity back.

But (and I’m afraid this is a very big “but”) it’s going to take returning to normal without permission. We must insist on normalcy. This protest is the very opposite of that.

In order to get out of the Great Reset prison, we do not need all this wasteful fuss, and in fact this fuss is counter-productive. It is giving the “authorities” the legitimacy of still having the final choice in how you live your life. They’re choking up the supply lines, not because they are righteously angry, but because they’re afraid to keep moving without the backing of a huge crowd. They’re shutting down the supply line to save it. In the short term, it could work. But in the long term, it is merely loosening up the boa constrictor long enough for it to get another grip.

I’m sorry to break this to you, trucker, but it is the individual who must face the consequences of doing the right thing. You’ll never get there as a collective, because as a collective, you are ruled, not self-ruled.

If these truckers go home and back to normal because they “won” a concession from the government, they lose. They have fed the Beast by letting it decide what they will do next. And not one of those who have been suffering all along because they were bold enough to stand alone will be beholden to you, though you think are doing something so brave. They will still be arrested. Still be banned from employment. Still be ostracized. But at least you’ll have your supply chain.

If the truckers go home with a “loss”, their morale will be hurt. Like children who have been told “no” by mommy, they will pout. But that is still my desired outcome, for this reason: My heart is with them in their desire for the mandates to end. But if they “lose” they will have an opportunity to actually become free. They will only become free by ignoring the lying media, the illegitimate governments, and their weak and cowardly enforcers, and living as free men. It will require confrontations as individuals. It will require potentially getting in trouble. It will require angering the Nanny state on a personal level. Nothing else will gain them true freedom.

Unless the mandates die with the whimper of an unfed beast, rather than by the grudging leniency of the Powers That Be, you lose, truckers.

Child-free and Loving It

In a recent post, I obliquely referred back to the following post, which I’ve rescued from the scrap-heap of GAH 1.0. This was written on March 1, 2013. I was allowed on the Twitter back then, and made a lot of Christians (especially the men) clutch their skirts. The most shocking thing about it is that I ate ramen noodles. At bedtime. Good grief, I was sick. Anyhow, it will be interesting to see the reactions now (if I even get any), when there are a great many more people who understand what I mean, and are raising their own families in full awareness of it.

Child-Free and Loving It

Not me. Them.

In my latest insomnia-fueled excursion around the internet I ran across the above-linked article at The Daily Beast. Go read it. I’ll wait here…

It’s quite a piece of work, isn’t it? It is, in case you were too smart to take the bait, an article cobbled together from reader comments that The Daily Beast had solicited in response to an earlier Newsweek piece about the birth dearth. The intentionally childless—er, childfree, they like to be called—don’t take too kindly to the idea that what they’re doing is foolish, but it is, and for a multitude of reasons.

When I read this article last night, I didn’t feel very strongly about it. In fact, I almost skipped right over it, because there’s nothing new here. Just a bunch of people doing what people have always done when given the opportunity: living for themselves, and seeing no problem with it whatsoever. In fact, Ayn Rand-like, they have managed to make a virtue out of selfishness. A few quotes from the article:

I don’t like it when people and the media imply that I’m not doing my job. I am far more than a baby factory.


I never wanted to put another human/soul/awareness through anything as miserable as what I was dealing with…


I just see it (having children) as a losing battle on the way to an eventual future straight out of the movie Idiocracy.
I read The Population Bomb at puberty, around the first Earth Day. I decided at 15 that I’d like to adopt one kid of every race, to have a rainbow house. When I grew up and realized humans were causing mass extinction, I got cats instead…


…I don’t want to be defined first and foremost as a mother…


I saw how much my mother hated the drudgery of caring for children on her own…

Yawn. Just the chatter of a self-absorbed, affluent culture that thinks children suck, mostly because their parents thought they sucked. Not my audience, though, and no need to address it, I thought. So I ate some ramen noodles and went to bed. (I’ll do penance for that indiscretion by doing low-carb next week. Pinky-swear.)

However, by the time I woke up this morning, I was feeling a little restless about it. There’s a lot of worldly reason here that just makes sense to the natural mind, but I get comments to this effect all the time from people who identify themselves as Christian! These people quoted above are correct, according to the logic of their own worldview.

Raising children is a very poor way to try to give life meaning. If you’re adding children to your life for the sake of finding purpose, you will most likely find yourself with nothing but a handful of trouble. Parenthood is just drudgery on the World’s terms. These (I’m guessing and hoping 100% non-Christian) non-parents believe that the purpose of their lives is to, as I once heard Voddie Baucham put it, “get all you can, can all you get, and then sit on the can”. Why in the world would anybody add more people to this miserable existence when they don’t particularly like kids?

Why carry on something as meaningless as human existence?

It makes sense to the World. Of course it does!

But Christians, who have changed hearts and transformed minds, ought to know better. The next generation does matter. We do need them to take up where we leave off. And our hearts ought to be softer than this toward those younger Christian brothers and sisters whom God has given us as offspring. In fact, our hearts, when they are in the right place, will turn to our children.

“See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the LORD comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse.”

While this was a specific prophecy, and I don’t want to take it out of its Messianic context, it does show one of the benefits of repentance to a nation. Their hearts turn toward their children, and the children in turn incline their affections toward their fathers so that the generations benefit from mutual love and protection during the vulnerable years at both ends of life.  The hearts of men and women in this nation are so hardened toward their children that they don’t even care enough to bring them into existence. This is a form of self-hatred, as evidenced by those commenters who reveal that they believe the human race (to which they must surely realize that they, themselves, belong) is a scourge and shouldn’t be encouraged to continue.

There is a consequence—a curse–to this hard-heartedness.

The generational pyramid scheme always topples.

The European nations, Russia, and Japan (to name some recent examples history has to offer) have amply demonstrated the fact that when the burden of the economy suddenly shifts to a generation that is much smaller than the one before it, a nation’s resources begin to be used up at a rate that exceeds creation of new wealth. A nation can only be as healthy as its inventors, builders, thinkers, and fighters, after all.

I admit freely that the hole in my individual argument for allowing fertility to proceed naturally is that some people are indeed just fine, thank you, with no kids to take care of things for them. They cruise through to the very end of their lives with both enough money and enough health to set things up to their own liking, and no offspring need ever cramp their style. For many, that happy ending is a pipe dream, but it works out often enough that it still seems plausible to try.

However, even if it turns out well for some individuals, in the aggregate, it never turns out well. No amount of saving and planning will save any but the very lucky once the economy that their savings and investments rely on teeters over the edge of the generational cliff. As nations depopulate—whether voluntarily or not–poverty and discord follow.

Children really are an asset!
In addition to financial devastation, the responsibility for elder care becomes physically and emotionally too much for the few offspring left behind to do all the work. The bulk of their effort—mostly in the form of tax money, because the children are as hardened toward the parents as the parents were toward them–goes toward keeping up the last generation rather than raising the next, and so the next generation is further depleted. Further, the increasing frailty of the aging population makes it ripe for conquest via immigration. There’s simply no getting around the severe social and economic costs of a population implosion.

I can enjoy the results of other peoples’ child-rearing while I live MY best life unhindered by duty. Let the people who like kids (aka suckers) do that job for me:

Among the comments that really got my attention were the ones who are relying on their family and friends to provide un-wrinkled hands to hold in their old age.

I am fortunate to be very close to my nieces and nephews and to experience a form of grandparenting with their children. I have mentored dozens of my friends children through college frustrations and job searches.

I’ll be the cool, hip aunt to my sibling’s kids, or godmother to friends’ kids…

I don’t begrudge my childfree relatives that, because I want my children to care for the elderly. We have a duty to help the lonely and destitute wherever we find them, and no matter how they ended up in that condition.

However, there’s an attitude of entitlement here that shouldn’t go unrebuked: You do the unpleasant work. I’ll just sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

While these commenters confess that they are emotionally freeloading (I don’t know what else to call it when it’s on purpose), I doubt they’ve fully understood that they are financially freeloading as well. Economies aren’t built on dollars and gold. They are built on people.

But freeloading doesn’t bother this crowd much, because they’re happy little grasshoppers, and who cares whether there’s a next generation? After all, they’re not going to be around to see the world in a hundred years anyway!

This seems like a great place to show off my favorite Cryptofashion tee, doesn’t it?

I got a lot of outraged comments (and emails…oh, the emails.) on my post about the need to breed because of the strong wording I used. I make no apology for it. I meant it when I said “I truly hope you find the accommodations to your liking.”

I really do hope that, for those shortsighted individuals who intentionally have no children, things turn out better than they have historically proven to turn out for the childless. When people start to feel justified in their selfishness to such an extent that they’re proud to spend their entire lives without sacrifice to the f-word (family), what happens to the sick and infirm in the resulting culture is a fate not fit for any human being, whether they unwittingly asked for it or not. Naturally, I wasn’t speaking to those people who are for one reason or another unable to have children, though their end may, tragically, be the same. I will personally (whenever possible) be thrilled to hold their hands and listen to their stories about the good old days when they are in their dotage and need a neighborly ear.

When I see someone heading for trouble, and with a smile, that seems like a very bad time to use soothing and choice-affirming words, so comments about my “merciless” attitude fall on deaf ears. “Merciless” is the word I’d use to describe allowing people to continue in wrong beliefs just because we don’t like to ruffle their feathers. Choosing vivid words to wake people up (and yes, tick them off enough to keep them awake) might just be the most merciful thing I can do.

I am, at the very least, showing mercy to my own children. It is they who will suffer the most for the loss of their generation’s strength to the selfishness of the intentionally childless, and so I do have a vested interest in pointing this out. My passion in the matter is justified, because I love my children and want them to have a secure future.

These Daily Beast readers are right, though. They shouldn’t have children. They should repent of their sins, and God will add the blessings afterwards, as a gift, and a reward.

As always, we can discuss this on Gab, MeWe, or Social Galactic.

You’re Not Welcome

They’ve socialized my pants

Get-Along-Husband took me shopping the other night, and I bought a couple of pretty sweaters. I didn’t try them on, because the size, petite small, has always been a good fit in those brands. I brought them home, put them on, and both of them looked like I was wearing a tent. A granny-tent.

Now, I know a smart person tries everything on before bringing it home.  But I’m not a smart person. What I am, is a person who has learned to rely on labeling as a useful time-saver. This is not totally unreasonable, right? But aside from the inconvenience of having to return these and then try and find things that actually fit, this isn’t really a big deal in the long run. This is a first world problem of the type that people rightly denigrate.

But there’s another real problem of the first world that’s closely related to this. I’ve concluded after so many experiences like this over the last few years, that the first world contains very few people who are properly proportioned anymore. My former petite-smalls are now apparently designed to hide quite a bit of unsightly belly fat. They look awful. Jeans that fit me in the waist have no butt, because people are either emaciated or dumpy. It’s terrifying how unhealthy we all are.

The thing that just broke me recently is this outrage, which I photographed at Old Navy:

By “revolution”, they mean the socialist one.

I can assure you that Old Navy is not eating those extra costs. If I only require two yards of cloth to cover my body, I am the one who is expected to cough up the funds required to help cover the body of someone else who requires five yards of cloth.

We’ve gone from fat-shaming to health-shaming. It’s not even just social disapproval, but outright punition. It’s to the point where you can’t even tell people who’ve asked what they can do to maintain a healthy body without becoming a pariah for acting like you’re better than somebody else.

I stick to a diet that keeps me healthy. I’m vigilant about my physical activity. I put myself to bed at a reasonable hour. I get as much sunlight as I can, and take my Vitamin D supplements. I do a whole lot of things that contribute to my good health. It’s not an accident of genetics or socioeconomic status that I’m not a tub of lard. My good health, and my consequently well-proportioned body have not come without a cost to me. I’ve worked for that, and I’ve paid for that.

I take responsibility for my own health, and you should have to do that, too. Many of the things I do to take care of myself cost more up front than just letting things go would. But the amount I’m saving myself and the collective (thanks, socialism!) in health care and lost productivity makes my health a true net gain, financially. But, up front, I pay for this.

Now I’m being asked to subsidize people who refuse to take those steps. Some of them even desire to remain fat. And you’re a very bad person if you think there’s anything wrong with that. Not only do I have to pay extra for my health care, and in taxes for medicaid or medicare and disability; not only do I have to keep my mouth shut about your obvious problem; NOW I HAVE TO LITERALLY PAY TO  COVER YOUR FAT ^$$.

No, I’m not sorry I put it that way, dear Church Lady. I felt like channeling Karl Denninger this morning, caps and italics and ugly words and all.

You should feel bad about your poor health. How else are you going to be motivated to do anything about it? Contrary to the narrative about “healthy at any size” and “beautiful at any size”, the fact is that if you are overweight, you are sick. Probably not beautiful, either, but this is not about your looks. This is not about who you are as a person. This is not about whether I like to look at you or not. This is not about making you feel bad for other people’s entertainment.

Fat “shaming” is a lie from Satan. Your size has everything to do with your health, both physical and mental, and I do think spiritual as well. And you’re dragging the rest of us down with you.

Many people wouldn’t even care how sick other people were if they didn’t have to pay for it. I admit, the fact that I pay out the nose for my own health and then even more for other people’s is incredibly galling. It’s not just health and clothing. I also have a large family to raise, and I’m personally footing both the cost of their education and other families’ education, too. My numerous kids are going to be on the hook, not only for their own parents’ old age, but for the socialized elderly care of people who couldn’t be bothered to raise their own children.

In this now-fully socialized society, even the “capitalists”, are doing things on the socialist model. As Old Navy amply demonstrates, the more good I do, the more I end up paying because other people don’t want to.

So, you ask, did Atlas shrug? Did you boycott the stupid store, as they richly deserve?

Sigh. To tell the truth, it’s hard to find those fleece-lined leggings anywhere else, and it’s cold on that morning run, so this time, Atlas shouldered the burden. This time, as in most other areas of my life, I ate the cost of somebody else’s poor choices. Whether for lack of information, or motivation, or self-respect, or whatever the excuse, I paid more than I should have had to for the amount of goods I received so that others could slack off. As a responsible person in a society of irresponsible people, I do this daily, in a hundred chaffing little ways.

Fat acceptance–nay, fat supremacy–is killing people. And it’s making me just shy of crazy.

OK, I’m done. You can go back to your cheesecake now. Discuss on Gab, MeWe, or Social Galactic

Why is Trump Pushing the Not-a-Vax?

Shouldn’t he know better?

There’s an aspect of the Trump administration I’ve never quite been able to square with my own…what is it? Hope? Wishful thinking? Self-delusion? Let’s just call it my strongly held belief that Trump has all along been aware of, and fighting against, the globalist plan to finally visibly manifest the New World Order that they have already largely established in the shadows. Clearly he knows that Washington D.C. is dirty. Clearly he knows that there are a lot of treasonous snakes in our government. I believe he meant it very sincerely when he told Hillary that she’d be in jail if he had his way.

In that sense, he is not remotely naïve, and I do still believe that he started during his administration a great drive toward justice that can’t be stopped. There are something on the order of 250,000 sealed indictments that have been accumulating in judicial limbo. At some point, unless we have truly lost the silent war that (I thought) has been raging for the last several years, we will find out exactly which members, if any, of the Swamp are to be swept away first.

I’ve wondered from time to time, and especially whenever he talks about Operation Warp Speed and the fake vaccines we’re being pushed to take, is it possible that Trump doesn’t know as much as I do about some of these things? How can he who as president had access to all the dirt on everybody, not know that Fauci and Birx are, among many others who received misplaced trust from him, utterly corrupt? How is it possible that he didn’t know about Operation Lockstep, or Event 201, both of which clearly outline the psy-op that has been run on us since early 2020? And, ominously, how could he have gone from knowing and talking about the dangers of vaccines, and having received warning from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., to whole-heartedly implementing Operation Warp Speed, which is nothing but a Big Pharma scam to have us all be, at best, their guinea-pigs for an unnecessary and untested product? At worst, and I’m afraid very likely, the “vaccine” is actually a mass-sterilization plan to keep a large number of recipients from being able to reproduce.

The question for me is not whether the shots are a good thing. They are not. The question is, was Trump played, or is he playing us? Because he is still out there pushing the vaccines. He’s still very proud of the part he played in using taxpayer dollars and the weight of the federal government to produce these horrific products to “rescue” us from a virus that is no worse than a common flu.

During his four years in office, it looked to me like Trump was playing, if not 3-dimensional chess, then at least a masterful game of plain-old chess. Is it possible that he was actually relatively clueless as to the depth of the corruption of the swamp that he was set to drain? That he had no idea that he was playing into the hands of the very people who are trying to destroy our country by buying into the entirely fictional Corona narrative that has held us hostage for the last year and a half?

In spite of his marvelous success in temporarily turning back the tide of government perfidy against our own nation–bringing industry back, lowering taxes, fighting abortion in a way that no “pro-life” president has ever done, bringing an end to foreign wars and refusing to start new ones, reining in illegal immigration–he appears at times not to understand the true depth of globalist dedication to enslaving the entire human race. He doesn’t seem to think that public health has anything to do with the Swamp. I can list dozens more things he did that were so good for our nation (Core America, not the State) that I simply can’t conceive that he was never really sincere in his stated goals. He’s been brilliant! So how in the world could he have not realized what was being done to us through the Corona lockdowns?

I thank God for him, and I thank him for letting us breathe free for a few years.  But there have been many clues that perhaps, rather than being a fully-informed part of a silent war being waged on our behalf (as I’d sincerely thought), perhaps he was instead insulated from the real scope of the globalists’ plans, and was never fully aware of the pervasiveness of the problem. He practically ignored the social media censorship and the many calumnies perpetrated by the mockingbird media against his staunchest supporters. He fully ignored RFK Jr’s warnings about Big Pharma, instead acting like a run-of-the-mill politician when checks for his campaign started rolling in from the pharmaceutical lobby.

While there were some early indications that he knew Corona was a psy-op (“it’s going to just disappear, and you’ll never hear about it again”), and that our freedoms were threatened by the drastic measures taken by governors of the individual states, he soon came around to the other side, and touted Operation Warp Speed as if it would solve all of our problems. Even now, while people are getting seizures, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, blood clots, and even dying shortly after getting the shots, he still insists it’s the best thing since sliced bread.

In my mind, there are three–no, four–possibilities for why this is so. Going in order from the most likely to the least:

  1. He put his faith in Fauci and Birx because he simply didn’t know any better. He really believes that modern medicine is utterly trustworthy, and just fell for all of it because he’s not versed enough in biology, medicine, or epidemiology to spot the lies. Nobody ever read him in on the obvious plan of the globalists to use public health as an excuse for absolute tyranny. How is that even possible? But it appears to be the case, doesn’t it? He was played like a fiddle, and now he’s having a hard time admitting it, even to the extent of lying to himself about the success of the vaccination program. This doesn’t mean that he wasn’t fighting on every front that he was aware of with all honor and vigor, but it does mean that he had an unbelievably huge blind spot. (And not just one, but that’s a whole ‘nother post.)
  2. Trump knew that Corona was a psy-op, and the virus is nothing unusually dangerous. He not only allowed it to proceed, but played along with it, because the descent into medical tyranny had to be allowed for some reason. Either it was impossible to break the media’s spell on the mind of the populace, so the ground had to be ceded, or there just weren’t enough resources to devote to fighting it. Operation Warp Speed may have been a last-ditch effort to speed up the mass vaccination plan so that it would be too sloppy and fail to accomplish its real purpose, which is the vaccine passport and total control of the world’s economy. If this is what happened, we’ve suffered a serious setback, and it will be a difficult one to recover from. It may be enough of a defeat to have lost us the entire war. As much as I want this one to be my number one, most likely scenario, I have to be honest and rank it second. It’s just a little too satisfying. KWIM?
  3. He was a willing player in the globalist’s plan all along. While I do believe this is the least likely reason (except for the obviously silly #4) for Trump’s confusing adherence to the Corona narrative, it’s not as distant a possibility as my heart would like to make it. Trump knows kayfabe. We, rather than Trump, may be the suckers here. Maybe he gave us our wishlist in so many small ways–taxes, wars, etc.–so that we wouldn’t see what was coming. Everything he accomplished looks at the moment to have been temporary, so it certainly would be a brilliant play on the Luciferian side to let us think that we were getting somewhere and then take it all back in the end.
  4. The Corona-19 virus is a real threat, and so deadly that it warrants destroying the world economy and removing all individual freedoms, especially the religious and health-care freedoms. The media really is our honest and above-board friend. There is no conspiracy by insanely powerful globalists who are hell-bent on destroying humanity as we know it and rebuilding it in their own image. Operation Warp Speed is literally the only thing Trump ever got right, and I need to turn on CNN right now so I can learn the truth about everything.

I’m open to suggestions if anybody has other theories on why Trump is still pushing what is clearly a very bad solution to what we used to call the flu. I can think of a few more, but they don’t fit very well with what I know at the moment.



Freedom Day?

Or Freedumb Day?

Today, January 31, is the last day by my reckoning of ten of the most puzzling days in American history. Tomorrow is, according to a Q post of precisely three years ago, Freedom Day, February 1.

People who even loosely keep up with the phenomenon known as Q know that something corresponding to “Ten days. Darkness.” (or Darnkess, as one unusual misspelling had it) should occur at some point in The Plan. Nobody has convincingly connected it with anything that has already happened, so it’s considered to be something of a prophecy, or maybe it’s more like forecasting. Promising? Teasing? I don’t know. Could be we’re a bunch of suckers.

The question for me today is: has it been ten days of darkness, as I have certainly experienced it? Or is it ten days, then darkness, as the Xiden administration fully lowers the hammer on us? Our enemies are rooting for a dark winter, and maybe that’s what that alludes to. But I still believe in the American military.

What the heck do you think was meant by this?


I’m still waiting to see a light start shining, and I’m being as patient as I can. I still believe the Q psyop was, or is, a purposeful revelation of the full depravity of our government, and I still believe there was, or is, a Plan. Like everybody else, I have no agency in what is happening at all, so waiting and watching and wondering is all I’m able to do.

Whatever happens, though, or doesn’t happen, I know this: I am free. I am a Christian, and I am an American. So if this fake president retains his fake office, and he actually has enough wicked people in place to enforce his fake law, then I will remain a Christian, and an American, and he will remain illegitimate. I will resist. No real opportunities to do so have arisen just yet, besides the occasional trip to a supermarket or church sans mask. Honestly, though, we’ve been officially subversive since the day we decided to homeschool our kids, among other highly Christian and American behaviors to which we adhere, so we’re not unfamiliar with the territory.

Some interesting things have happened to lead me to believe that we’re not finished. Primarily, I believe it because this guy said so.

Trump and his impeachment lawyers have parted ways. Perhaps Trump knows he won’t need them, or perhaps they’ve been frightened off.

Xiden’s panicked rush to put out such a ridiculous number of executive orders in his first week, plus the mainstream media’s obsessive focus on “Qanon” (which isn’t even right, it’s just Q) lead me to believe that they find the narrative as compelling as I have, and they’re terrified of it. They’re also trying to pin the Gamestop hedge fund fiasco on Q, which, for all I know is more accurate than not. This was orchestrated by somebody, and the somebodies who have been exposed and harmed are not friends of America.

So yeah, I’m feeling kinda chill. Here’s to tomorrow, Freedom Day, may it dawn bright and clear. 


The Best is Yet to Come

The CIC told me so. 

I know y’all are dying to see how I’m processing the fact that the fake president was sworn in after I was fairly confident that something would prevent it. It is, after all, an outrageous affront to decency that a man like that, with a record like that, and a family like that, could be permitted to steal an entire nation and we’d all just sit by, helpless, as it happened. But here we are, right?


Pompeo’s tweet from January 20th could mean a couple of things. Either, as I sometimes do, he’s praying that little verse of acknowledgement of God’s sovereignty over all while some plan is being executed, or he is telling us that we had, past tense, our plans, but that God had different ideas. I do believe that there was a plan, and I also believe that it was a great one. Even the best plans can fail, and that is one deep swamp. And ultimately, God’s plan may have been a different one.  But I don’t know that yet. 

Yesterday, when I said for the umpteenth time that this really isn’t over yet, my long-suffering husband asked when I’m going to finally give up insisting that we still have a chance. Well, do you remember that Japanese guy who hid out in the jungle and refused to believe the war was over because his commander said to stay there until he came back for him?  It took 29 years, but his commander did come back.

Well, my name is Hiroo Onoda, and my commander told me that the best is yet to come.  He said “we’ll be back”, and so we will! He didn’t say how long, just “for a while”, so I’ll wait. And I’ll wait. And I’ll wait.

I’m not just holding on to vain hope because that is emotionally easier. I’ve always been stoic about facing hardship. Fear isn’t a motivator for me, and despair is a foreign concept. I have Jesus, after all. I hope I’m prepared to take whatever stand God has given me to take, should we truly be descending into the Orwellian hell these tyrants have promised us. I acknowledge the distinct possibility, and I’m as ready for it as I can be.

Before I start digging into my jungle lean-to for the longer fight that is looming up ahead of us, though, I’m giving myself nine more days for Storm-watching. I was promised a Storm, and I by-golly want to have my galoshes on so I can watch it comfortably if it happens. January 31st looks to me like the very last possible moment for anything further to develop along those lines. I do have reasons for believing a surprise save is possible beyond just wanting it to be true.

There truly is–or was–a plan.

I still cannot, being a person of good conscience myself, conceive that a senile puppet who is provably controlled by China through his money-laundering family is actually going to be running this place for the next four years, along with a psychopathic VP, and a congress that is almost wholly owned by foreign nations. I don’t know if anything is still going on behind the scenes, but I have some small hope that even–or especially–with Trump fully out of office, something still could surprise all of us.

As of last night, when I looked, the troops were still in D.C.. They will start going home today, presumably, but 7,000 of them will be staying for a while. Scratch that, the request is now to keep some number of National Guard on a volunteer basis until mid-March. I’ve even heard they might stay into September, though I can’t remember where I got that. I wonder how this stuff even works. NG answers to the governors of their own states, but who is doing the asking? Why would they even do that? To protect whom, and from what? One of the feats Trump pulled off with his January 6th rally was getting everybody to burn out their enthusiasm–and more importantly their scant funds–all at once so that they couldn’t be in D.C. for any further trouble.

Whether he did that on purpose or not is anybody’s guess, but the fact is that those of us who supported him are largely the lower and middle classes. We have jobs, if we’re among the lucky. We have kids and grandkids. We have one or two weeks of vacation time per year. We have very little in savings. We’re taxed to death. We don’t have a Soros to send us here and there to destroy whatever needs destroying today. So there is clearly no immediate threat from any MAGA supporter anywhere, and everybody knows it.

But the guilty do flee where none pursue, so perhaps those troops really are there solely to protect our new overlords from the justice that they know they so richly deserve.

One thing I know is that, if that boot really is coming down on us, blogging about it is dangerous business. I’m not going to cower in fear, though, and I hope no one else will, either. Keep saying the truth. Keep believing the truth, because Truth wins. Lies will always self-destruct. It would be so easy for many (I’m talking to you, Fox News viewers) to go back to sleep and accept the fake news narrative that Joe Biden won, fair and square. That all of the claims of fraud were debunked. That our new “president” never profited from selling us to the highest foreign bidder. That Hunter Biden’s laptop meant nothing to our national security, and that he’s a great artist now, and a recovered addict–nay, a hero!–who needs our support. (Has that narrative caught on yet? It’s coming, I promise.) What an inspiration he’s going to be for the next four years!

You know what is true. I know what is true. This country does not belong to the people who currently think they’re leading it. Let’s do everything we can to get our country back into the hands of its own people. I’ll start with prayerful watching, and wait patiently for my commander to come back and get me.

He said he’d be back.  


I Feel Fine

Don’t you?

I’m hearing through my very limited social media contacts that a lot of people are extremely nervous. It’s too quiet. We’re not hearing much–really nothing–from the man who is still our President. We’re getting erased from the internet and there is literally nobody in government or the courts who will do anything about it.

The boot’s coming down! The boot’s coming down!

But I still don’t think so. Stop and think for a minute. Do you think the hardest-working president we’ve ever had is doing nothing, just because he isn’t broadcasting it on Twitter?

I feel encouraged by all the quiet, honestly. I reckoned in my last post that we’d hear nothing from Trump for a while, and that the media was going to go into a propaganda frenzy like nothing we’ve ever seen before. Was that wrong? No. It’s all lies, from sea to shining sea. And so there’s a fair chance that the rest of it is correct, as well.

If I had been wrong in thinking that this isn’t over, and that Donald Trump, with the help of a great many American patriots, still has an ace up his sleeve, he’d probably be on Gab or Parler, chatting up a storm and sounding completely impotent. He’d be on the news talking about how awful the injustice is. He’d be telling us how to prepare for his next campaign in ’24, or the new political party he’s forming. He’d be talking, because talking would be all that was left.

He’s not talking, I think, because he already has all the support he needs, and he’s working.  There are some mighty interesting things going on. Blackouts in key locations, executive orders hinting at actions already taken, resources being lined up, a state of emergency declared in D.C., DHS getting personnel shake-ups just as the state of emergency is declared, and the list goes on and on.

Am I just smoking hopium? I freely admit that there’s a pro-doom spin to be put on everything we can see happening. Are all those troops in D.C. really there to protect Biden’s tiny inauguration? Could be. Did Trump and Pence meet yesterday at the White House and walk out friends? If so, either Pence is no traitor and did exactly what Trump wanted him to, or Trump has accepted his defeat. Or there was really no meeting between the two. Which seems most likely to you? I honestly still don’t believe Trump is at the White House, though we’re repeatedly told that he is. Or, rather, I disbelieve it because we are repeatedly told that he is. (OK, I’m convinced now that he was at the White House. Deduct one point from my score. )

Did Trump really say that he “regrets” “conceding”? As far as I can tell, he never even conceded. Watch his speech more carefully and note that he never said Biden’s name, nor did he ever say he was giving up. And, strangely, his hair looked more grey when we saw him live on the 6th, when he said the words “We will never concede” than it did in the “go home” video and the “concession” video that were supposedly taken afterwards. It’s likely that neither of those videos was even made the day they were shown.

And when did you ever hear Donald Trump say he regrets anything? The word isn’t even in his vocabulary.

All this, and many other things add up, for me, to reinforcing my belief that we are in a time of blind waiting, but some are very active on our behalf. Believe nothing you see or hear, because there is so much going on that can’t be discussed. Nobody is revealing the truth in any way, and especially not the media.

I’m still on the fence as to whether Pence is a traitor, or a patriot allowing himself to look like one in order to set up a sting. Was his the part of Judas, or trap-setter?

Trump is supposed to be speaking at the Alamo today, presumably about that big, beautiful wall he’s been building. Some words I don’t expect to hear from him are “Biden administration” or “election”(Minus 2 more points, he did mention them). I wonder if he’ll say anything relevant at all, but I’ll be watching all the same, just in case.

How ya feeling, friends? Nervous? Hopeful? Confused? 

Update: Just saw this video from Monkey Werx and thought it was a nice reinforcement. Nothing. Is. Real. Until it is…you know.